After school on Friday, Izzy and R3p1c came to mine and we played on the slide in my back garden. Tired out, R3p1c, Izzy and I finally got told by my dad that it was time to go to the disco. When the disco was finished, Evie, Rosie’s friend, came back with came with Izzy and I from the disco for a sleepover. Watching consistently, Evie, Rosie, Izzy, R3p1c and I watched Alexander and the terrible very bad day it was awesome! “Go to bed NOW!” exclaimed my dad, as he pointed at Izzy and I. Because of not being tired, Izzy, R3p1c and I just watched YouTube videos in bed. As we both woke up, we got ready for cheer. Izzy and I both curled are hair with the help of R3p1c. We all put blue hair chalk in our hair. After cheer, I got ready for ballet. When it was finished, I relaxed and waited for Sam and Tilly to arrive at my house. Asking generously, Olly asked if we wanted to go to the shops to by sweets. Obviously, we said yes. When we got back from the shops, Sam and Tilly were here. Tilly asked R3p1c and I if we wanted to play football pass so we played for a while. Then we came inside and ate our burgers from the barbeque .They were delicious!
After our lovely homemade burgers, we went in the lounge and watched Britain’s Got Talent. It was great! Giggling wildly, R3p1c laughed at David Walliams golden buzzer. Nick, Sam and Tilly’s dad, told Tilly, R3p1c and I it was time to go to bed but because he is nice, he let us have my iPad in bed.
On Sunday, was the day of the fun run Tilly, R3p1c and I were in the year 4 category. My dad, Sam and Ian were doing the 5 mile run. For breakfast, Rosie, Tilly, Sam, R3p1c and I had pancakes. They were so yummy! Mine had butter and sugar on it R3p1c had lemon and sugar on his. Finally, it was time to go up to Arden school for the fun run. The year 4’s were up first so we had to get there quick. Everyone got lined up and got ready. Then we started counting down! 10 9 8 7 6 we all got ready to go including R3p1c. 5 4 3 2 1! The crowd went wild I raced like a whippet for the first half with Tilly and R3p1c by my side. Suddenly, a guy in front of me did a front flip. I tripped over him and rolled my ankle. OWH!
At the end, I came ninth alongside R3p1c. I raced round to my parents to watch Rosie’s race. Her shoe fell off!
When Rosie’s race was finished, we went over to watch Sam, dad and Ian’s five mile race. As soon as they set off, we sprinted over to the high street to cheer everyone on. The first guy came round like a racing car. We cheered everyone on as they came past. Then the first the first guy came round on his second lap. I was really proud of my dad when he finished. When everyone had finished and we had found everyone, we went to the Kings’ Arm to have lunch. But it turns out it was actually four o’clock.
After we had lunch, we had to say goodbye to everyone because they had to go. Then when we got home I relaxed and watched TV because I was really tired. R3p1c was really tired too so he watched TV with me.